post-holiday blues

How to beat the Post-Holiday Blues

Many of us spend months of the year looking forward to our summer holiday break, but when we place so much significance on our annual getaway, our return to real life can give us a case of the post-holiday blues. So how can we enjoy the benefits of a well-earned break, without suffering from negative mood afterwards?


Accept that your feelings are normal

When you’ve looked forward to your holiday for months, and enjoyed it to its full, of course ‘real life’ is going to feel like a let-down! Knowing that these feelings are normal can help you to cope with them.

Take it easy

Flights, long car journeys, late nights, sightseeing – all of these can conspire to make you more tired after a holiday than when you went away. If you are able, try not to rush back into your usual routine immediately after returning, but give yourself time to adjust with a lie-in or two and some sofa time!


If you’ve visited a sunny destination, drunk a lot of alcohol, or eaten a lot of salty food on holiday, your post-holiday blues could be down to dehydration. Make sure you drink at least two litres of water a day to help with your symptoms.

Try some Vitamin B

 If it’s a feeling of exhaustion giving you the post-holiday blues, you could try a supplement including Vitamin B, to give you a bit of a boost. (But always check with your doctor first if you are taking other supplements or medication!)

Plan some fun activities

Now that you haven’t got a holiday to look forward to, you should plan some smaller treats such as meals out, spa days, seeing friends, or maybe taking up a new hobby, to give yourself something to look forward to, and help you feel more positive.

Bring your holiday into your real life

Instead of relying on a short period of time once a year to enjoy yourself, try bringing the holiday spirit into your real life. Find some aspects of your holiday that you can indulge in at home, whether it’s eating certain types of food, or participating in particular activities that you normally only do while away. This will help you to feel more positive and get a better balance between your real life and your holiday life.


Many people think that booking their next trip as soon as they return home can be a good way of avoiding the post-holiday blues, but beware! This strategy can leave you constantly living in the future rather than appreciating the good things happening in the present.

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