4 times Britain overcame adversity

In the current climate, you’d be forgiven for feeling worried about the future of Great Britain. However, we’re here to lighten the mood and inject some optimism by showing you four times that our great nation has overcome adversity.


1. When we(ather) defeated the Spanish Armada

In 1588 Britain was threatened by the mighty naval power of Phillip II’s Spanish fleet. Despite being the underdogs, we managed to defeat the Armada through cunning strategy, and the weather. Ok, mostly the weather. But it was BRITISH weather so it still counts, ok?!


2. When Lady Mary’s husband was killed on Christmas Day

The nation was united in their horror as Christmas Day 2012 was ruined by Downton Abbey killing off one of its best loved characters just after the birth of his firstborn child. However, fast forward a few years and lovely Lady Mary found herself a handsome new husband, and the nation breathed a collective sigh of relief.


3. When KFC ran out of chicken

Ok, in fairness the British public did not do too well with this one…. Moving on!


4. When democracy was denied over Boaty McBoatface

Why have a vote if you’re not going to honour it? No we’re not talking about THAT vote we’re talking about the frankly outrageous decision to overrule the British public’s demands by naming a ship the Sir David Attenborough, instead of the name that won the public vote. Justice was served however when the smaller scientific research vessel attached to the Sir David was later named Boaty McBoatface.


In short, we should be optimistic, since as a nation we have proved that we can overcome anything (apart from a shortage of chicken).

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