
Leading with compassion

With a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister following hot on the heels of the Platinum Jubilee, discussions about leadership have very much been in the headlines! Whilst most of us won’t ever be Head of State or Prime Minister, many of us have an idea of the kind of leaders that we would like to be. However once we find ourselves in a leadership position it can be all too easy to be distracted by the day-to-day and forget all about those lofty ambitions.

There is one trait that all leaders should cultivate, however busy they are – compassion. By leading with empathy, by being supportive and encouraging, compassionate leaders can boost morale and build trust with their team, resulting in a more effective, engaged, and happier workforce.

Compassionate leaders are good at expressing gratitude towards others. Employees want to be appreciated and feel like their work is valued. Compassionate leaders demonstrate kindness by showing gratitude to everyone in the team, not just the top performers. Through kindness and recognition, they earn the loyalty and respect of their team members. This in turn allows leaders to adopt a coaching style, encouraging and guiding their team members rather than giving orders. Compassionate leaders encourage the team to approach projects with optimism, inspiring the team to use their talents and to try creative and innovative ideas.

Arguably the most important traits of compassionate leaders are the ability and willingness to listen and learn. By taking the time to learn about their people, how they think and how they work, they can start to understand them and create better relationships with them. Once leaders have an understanding of each team member, they can direct them to focus on certain tasks or projects that fit best with their strengths. This will help the team members to succeed which in turn, will ensure that they feel valued and more motivated.

In today’s hybrid working environment, where some people are physically present and others are working remotely, compassionate leadership has arguably never been more important. By creating a culture of compassion and respect, businesses can expect to see improved levels of employee engagement and collaboration. This helps to build a working environment where employees feel safe and valued, which in turn results in increased employee loyalty and retention.

When you create a culture of compassion and respect, you can better understand each employee’s strengths and motivate your team to perform at its best. So whether you’re a royal, a politician, or a business leader, chances are you could benefit from taking a more compassionate approach.


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