Supporting your own and others’ wellbeing
Wellbeing is of vital importance to everyone, but perhaps particularly for SME business owners, who…
Self Assessment: Be alert to potential scams
HMRC is urging their Self Assessment customers to be vigilant of fraudsters and scams asking…
A fiscal U-turn without precedent!
Over the last few days, we have seen a gradual dismantling of the mini-budget of…
Dealing with the rising costs of living
Retail sales fell steeply in August as the rising cost of living put pressure on…
Running an effective hybrid meeting
The way we work has evolved and so too has the way we meet with…
Inflation is creating more entrepreneurs
As UK inflation hits a 40-year high, a need for additional income means that more…
Late filing appeals: the lowdown
Here at E R Grove we spend quite some time encouraging you to file your…
Pensions re-enrolment: Remember your responsibilities!
Did you know that every 3 years you must put certain staff back into your…
Employment status and rights update
The rights that workers have in law with regard to pay, leave and working conditions…