Becoming a Carbon Neutral Business

The UK government recently declared a climate emergency and set a target of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Many individual UK cities and local authorities have gone further than this, with a number committing to becoming carbon-neutral by 2030. But how can businesses help achieve these local and national targets?


Reduce energy use

Energy use is most companies’ biggest contributor to their carbon footprint. The good news is that taking steps to reduce your energy use can save you money as well as saving the environment! Obvious actions to take include switching off lights, heating / cooling, and equipment when not in use, and looking for ‘green’ energy efficient alternatives to your equipment where possible.


Switch to Green web-hosting

Most businesses don’t think about their website and other online presence in terms of ‘energy,’ but your website needs to be stored in a server which is housed in a cooled, controlled environment which requires a large amount of energy to maintain. In order to mitigate the impact on the environment, you could find a web-hosting service provider that will offset their energy usage through renewables or carbon offsets.


Recycle, recycle, recycle!

Waste that ends up in landfill produces methane which is a greenhouse gas, as well as leaving a lot of nasty stuff in the ground that can take centuries to fully break down. Recycle as many materials as you can to reduce your impact on the environment.


Cut down on travel

Do you really need to fly or drive to see your clients? Can you use video or audio conferencing instead? If you don’t want to rely on free software like Skype, then a more professional, paid system can be less expensive than you think, and definitely cheaper than having to drive everywhere! If you do have to travel, consider green options such as hybrid or electric vehicles – not only are these good for the environment, but there are some significant tax incentives coming in for businesses which opt for these.


Create a sustainable supply chain

A large proportion of your organisation’s carbon footprint may actually be inherited from your supply chain. Any goods that you purchase will have their own carbon emission associated with them, so you can reduce your impact on the environment by looking for eco-friendly products.


If you are interested in the tax and environmental benefits of switching to electric or hybrid vehicles, why not come along to our next event?

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