Working from home in a heatwave

With ‘freedom day’ upon us, many workers have mixed feelings about moving back to office working. However, the arrival of a heatwave across the UK makes an air-conditioned office an incredibly attractive prospect right now!  If you’re working from home, or if your workplace doesn’t have air-con, here are some top tips for working during a heatwave.


Close the curtains

This might seem a bit strange, but closing your curtains or blinds can make a massive difference to how much your house heats up over the course of the day.


Dress (not to) impress

Sports clothes are ideal for this weather since they are designed to wick moisture away from your skin. You should also remove any clothing from your extremities as your body expels more heat through your head, hands and feet – socks and shoes off, and who was wearing a hat in the house anyway?!


Ice your feet

Freeze a hot water bottle or fill a bucket with cold water and dunk your feet in it. Just like at the seaside, the sensation of cold on your feet and ankles will help cool down your whole body. Running cold water over your wrists can have the same effect, but that’s a bit more difficult whilst trying to use a laptop!


Keep hydrated

An obvious one, but drink loads of water, and avoid caffeine and alcohol as these dehydrate you. But presumably you weren’t sipping Pinot Grigio at work anyway…?


Unplug unnecessary appliances

Keeping electrical items plugged in, even a phone charger, generates heat. Do a quick runaround your house and unplug everything you’re not using. Just don’t blame us when you go for a wee in the middle of the night and none of your lamps are working…


Change your working hours

On the continent they have working hours down to a tee, with many countries starting early in the morning, taking a long afternoon siesta, and then working again in the evening once the temperature drops. Since we’re not likely to get a foreign holiday anytime soon, why not make like a European and take some time off in the middle of the day when the sun is at its hottest. Just don’t fall asleep sunbathing or your evening shift will be unpleasant to say the least!

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